Interview with Esben Skov Laursen from Professionshøjskolen UCN

In an era where sustainability is not just a choice but a necessity, the University College of Northern Denmark (UCN) is at the forefront of integrating sustainable practices into its curriculum.

The SCABEE project represents a groundbreaking initiative, especially within the realms of business and engineering education.

We had the privilege of speaking with a key representative from UCN to delve deeper into their motivations, experiences, and the distinct role they play in this innovative project.

Their insights not only highlight the importance of sustainability in modern education but also UCN’s proactive approach in shaping future leaders who are well-versed in sustainability.

Is the SCABEE project the first initiative of its kind at your institution to embed sustainability so deeply into the curricula of business and engineering studies?

UCN is a rather large educational institution, hence, we are engaged in multiple projects, including projects within sustainability. However, the SCABEE project is the first project within the domain of Industry where the focus is mainly on sustainability

What motivated your institution to participate in the SCABEE project, and how do you see it enhancing the educational experience for students specializing in business and engineering?

It is mandatory to focus on sustainability to change our current path in the world. Educational institutions play a key role in supporting this transition by embedding sustainability into their educational programmes. Our goal is that the students will regard integrating sustainability into their domain as natural as, e.g., considering economics or quality.

How did your institution become a part of the SCABEE project consortium, and what were the key factors that facilitated your involvement?

The idea regarding SCABEE emerged during the collaboration of another Erasmus+ project – DigiDemo. Hence, the original idea of SCABEE was codevelop between ESTA and UCN. It is a good example of how the collaboration in one project can be used to foster new ideas, projects, and collaborations.

Could you describe the specific role and contributions of your institution in the SCABEE project, particularly in relation to the development and implementation of the Sustainability Teaching Case Studies (TCS)?

UCN has two main roles in the project, 1) leading the initial analyses of how sustainability is address among the partnering institutions today, and 2) develop four TCS’s with a point of departure in products. The topics for the TCS’s will be: 1) Materials and construction, 2) Power consuming products, 3) Take-back, and 4) Business models.

UCN and SCABEE: Shaping a Sustainable Future in Education

Our conversation with Esben Skov Laursen from UCN has underscored the SCABEE project’s pivotal role in pioneering sustainability in education. UCN’s engagement in SCABEE is a testament to their commitment to molding future leaders equipped to integrate sustainability seamlessly into their fields.

This initiative not only enhances the educational landscape for business and engineering students but also sets a significant benchmark for sustainability in academia. UCN’s innovative approach through SCABEE exemplifies how educational institutions can lead the charge in creating a sustainable future.